My beautiful, most comfortable, BRAND NEW (once bought at a thrift store) Chair!

Now, I know that this is a blog created by me, so that I would remember to take time to take care of myself.  So you may be wondering what does a chair have to do with anything.  Well, besides the fact that it is a VERY comfortable chair, it has also recently been recovered by my better-half. my husband Stephen.  He is so talented!  He is so particular about his work and he does wonderfully, beautiful work.  

You see, once upon a time, I was a single mom.  And my four kids and I lived in this tiny house, with garage sale beds and left over furniture from the prior renters.  I was making less than $20,000 a year and we were "doing just fine".  So, when I found this chair it was a cream colored, beautifully overstuffed indulgence, of sheer comfort and it only cost $40.  As you can tell in the picture to the right, after a new marriage, and four additional children added into the mix, my chair was getting a lot of use and wasn't so cream colored anymore....

Some people would just toss it out, I mean it is only a $40 thrift store chair, but after the comfort it had brought to me and the kids, it would simply be a betrayal to dump it.  Nevertheless, it was looking pretty rough.  So we hung on to it.  It was actually the only piece of furniture that we hadn't upgraded.  

My beautiful "new" chair
And when we moved, it moved too.  In fact, the look on my husbands face when I asked him to put it upstairs in the living room, instead of in the basement, said it all.  It was a look that let me know it is time to do something about the chair.  So I dragged out the matching ottoman.  Draped a blanket over the chair.  Set up a neat little cedar chest as a table next to it to hold my morning coffee mug.  And headed off to the fabric store.  After a few hours of searching and turning it all over to my husband (who by the way picked out the awesome fabric we recovered it with), in a few days I had the most beautiful chair.  Which has gone from living room eye sore to living room center piece.  I love my chair.  I love my husband. I love my life.



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