This project is for the birds!!!!
This project is for the birds!! Just kidding, I have actually had a really great time creating these Christmas bird ornaments. Recently, I had a great response to a post I had shared on Facebook about my latest crafts. From that Facebook share I got a few orders and my first order was for Christmas bird ornaments. I am loving that I get to create these cute little things. Partly, because it is exciting to find out that someone is interested enough in my creativity to place an order. But even more importantly, I was able to spend some quality time with my family, getting the order put together. See, the birds were a hit, but I had only made about ten for the booth. A friend of mine saw them and thought they would be perfect for her staff at Christmas. She needed 25, so the "special order" got underway. After a quick shopping trip, for scrapbook paper, trinkets and do-dads, we called in rei...