So...I opened a flea market booth

You Guys!!  I am so excited!  As I have mentioned before, my husband has a wood shop that he allows me to make whatever I want out of the scraps that he discards. I use the scraps, along with wood glue, staples, paint, stain, scrapbook paper, and any other trinket I find to make a unique crafty project.  
     Well, putting these craft projects together has been such good therapy for me. It truly makes me very peaceful.  The only problem I have come across, (besides the occasional sanded knuckles) is that eventually I run out of space to put all of my little projects.  So, with that in mind, I decide to jump in and see what would happen if I made them available for others to see and buy. 

I rented a flea market booth and decided to open my own little craft boutique.

    It really took a lot of courage for me to jump out there. I worried that the product wouldn't be attractive to to customers.  I worried that nothing would sell.  I worried that I would be paying each month for the booth and supplies for my crafts and never make any money.  I worried that I wouldn't be able to fill up a booth.   
     Then I realized I didn't need to worry about any of it.  The peaceful feeling I get from concentrating on creating these crafts was the goal for me.  If no one else likes these items, it's okay because I still enjoyed completing the task.  If nothing sells and I end up paying each month, then that is really pretty cheap therapy.  If I find that I can't fill up the booth, then I will still be busy trying to fill it and that will be a wonderful use of my time.  In fact, it might keep me so busy that it helps me stop worrying about all of the other things that bounce around in my head.  
Christmas Bird ornaments

With all of that in mind I really don't have any other choice but to stick my neck out and have a great time doing something I love.

      This month, the flea markets are gearing up for the Christmas season and preparing for their open houses.  So, I have been busy trying to come up with all kinds of Christmas goodies.
Christmas Tree ornament/ gift tag

Snowman ornament/ gift tag

Little vintage style bird ornament

Snowflake ormament

So take my advice.  Get out there.  Take a chance. Find your path to happy, healthy, and whole.~



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