About Me

About Me

Our Wedding Day
The Love of my Life
 My name is Traci Volcko and I have been a crafter and artist since I was very small.  As, I have grown older, I have found that creating these pieces of art, is very therapeutic, but eventually you run out of space in the craft room.  So in an effort to continue crafting as well as broaden my horizons, I opened a flea market booth.  I have had a few private orders as well as folks enjoying the items in the flea market booth, so it seemed like time for the next step.  So, I decided to jump into the terrifyingly exciting world of blogging.

My husband and I met in our late 30's and ran away to Florida and got married.
We have 8 children between us and just gained two more when our girls got married. 
They say you can't pick your family, but we got really lucky with these sons-in-law.  

Throughout the posts in this blog you will find humorous stories about motherhood, childhood, and arts and crafts.  Not to mention all of the things I am yet to learn about parenting and the ups and downs life gives us along with raising teenagers.

Here's to happy, healthy and whole ~


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