Creativity is intelligence having fun

Aren't these the cutest things?

     I love this little pumpkin trio, but it took some imagination to get them all stacked together.  You see, mm sister and brother-in-law are building a new house.  In this gorgeous new house you will find ship lap, hardwood floors and plenty of Farmhouse charm.  My husband is building the kitchen, bathroom and utility room cabinets for this house.  So there is plenty of various hardwood scraps for me to choose from when I'm feeling crafty.
     One evening, my husband and brother-in-law were in the shop planing and ripping boards to make trim for stair tread.  The excess strips of wood that they felt were unusable were being tossed into a wagon to later be hauled down to the burn pile.  The thing that caught my eye was the curved edges along those discarded strips.  As I stared at them and felt my imagination start humming, I realized that stacking them side-by-side, presented a corrugated look.  It didn't take long from there to come up with an idea to make some corrugated looking pumpkins for Fall.
     It took a little time to figure out the proper measurements.  It took a little time to decide if staples or wood glue was a better adhesive for these particular guys.  It took a little time to find just the right stick and ribbon for the stem.  But when I was finished, it was worth every minute because they turned out so much better than I had imagined. (And trust me, I have a REALLY good imagination). 
 This is how the very first set came out and I had to take a picture before I could even dress them up in the craft room.

But once we got to the craft room, I found some pretty ribbons and decided that maybe my pumpkins needed a taller friend in their trio.  I love the way the texture variations make these guys stand apart.

I've decided to jump into selling at a flea market booth.  If you're local, you can find these guys at the ATC Downtown Flea Market booth #4 in Bolivar.  I think they're worth $25 for the set.  If you would prefer to buy them separately they will go for:
Small round $5
Medium round $8
Tall guy $12

I love sharing this stuff with you guys and hope you check in soon to see what other projects are happening at Truthfully Tracelaine.

Here's to Happy, Healthy and Whole
Truthfully Tracelaine~


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