The new craft room

So, I don't mean to sound like a spoiled baby, but I was a little let down on my birthday this year.  I turned 44, which means that I shouldn't be so bothered by a birthday unrecognized.  If anything I am at an age where I should want folks to forget my birthday and the reminders of getting older.  But, me and God have an understanding about life and I am thankful for everyday that he gives me so....I have to love getting older, too.
     This year, my kids, friends, and family were great and I know they all love me.  What more could you really ask for, for your birthday???

 I think it might have been a date with my husband.

We got up and got busy trying to meet the deadlines of the cabinet business.  We worked HARD all day long and at the end of the day, we were both too tired to go out and do anything.  But when I realized the day was over and my birthday had basically gone unnoticed (other than the 5 minutes of birthday cards my kids gave me when I woke up) I couldn't help but feel deflated.

   So, here were my choices... sit around and pout OR get up and get busy doing something for yourself!  I decided that it was time to clean up the craft room and get it back in working order.  Who knows, if my craft room is workable, then maybe I could make some crafts, start blogging again or maybe even get a home business going.

I'm a dreamer...fueled by creativity.

So, after one daughter moved out and another moved back home, my craft room had caught the over flow and was looking pretty rough. 

I cleaned out all of the junk and rearranged furniture.  I then painted the walls and shelves.  I went flea marketing and picked out a great old table and painted the legs to match the room.  I bought baskets, rugs and curtains to pull it all together and get organized.  It has become my happy place and I have so enjoyed my time down there.  It is great to get to spend creative time down there and discover the capabilities of my own imagination.  But I think putting the room together and doing something for me has been the most beneficial use of the space so far.
It has gone a long way toward helping me feel happy, healthy, and whole.


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